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Monday, June 28, 2021

Man at wheel of flatbed truck jailed after allegedly driving while impaired - Villages-News
Joshua Brent Nichols
Joshua Brent Nichols

A man at the wheel of a flatbed truck was arrested after allegedly driving while impaired.

Joshua Brent Nichols, 30, of Wildwood, at about 10 p.m. Sunday was pulling out of the Circle K service station at Trailwinds Plaza on County Road 466A when an officer noticed the vehicle had an inoperable headlight, according to an arrest report from the Wildwood Police Department. During the traffic stop, Nichols admitted his driver’s license had been taken during a recent traffic stop in Marion County. Nichols handed the officer a traffic citation as his registration and said his insurance card was “in the mail.”

Nichols’ speech was “slurred” and he had “bloodshot glassy eyes,” the report said.

The officer asked Nichols to participate in field sobriety exercises, however Nichols noted that he has a “lazy right eye” as well as “prior injuries to both of his ankles.” He struggled through the exercises and provided breath samples that registered .000. He also provided a urine sample.

He was taken into custody on a charge of driving under the influence. He was also issued a written warning for the inoperable headlight. He was booked at the Sumter County Detention Center on $1,000 bond. 

The Link Lonk

June 29, 2021 at 01:30AM

Man at wheel of flatbed truck jailed after allegedly driving while impaired - Villages-News

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