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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Helen Mirren Ecstatically Took The Wheel In 'F9' - Hollywood Outbreak
Vin Diesel as Dom in F9, co-written and directed by Justin Lin.

Yes, Helen Mirren feels the need for speed. In real life, she fancies herself as a bit of a wild driver, so getting a role within the Fast & Furious universe really appealed to her. So, when she was cast in the F&F spinoff Hobbs & Shaw, she was thrilled. After she finished that movie, she had no idea whether her character had a future in the franchise, but she was overjoyed when the producers asked her back for F9: Fast and Furious 9. Even better, she told us, was that they wanted to give her character her very own driving scene. (Click on the media bar below to hear Helen Mirren)

 F9: Fast and Furious 9 is now playing in theaters.

The Link Lonk

June 30, 2021 at 03:51AM

Helen Mirren Ecstatically Took The Wheel In 'F9' - Hollywood Outbreak

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Helen Mirren Ecstatically Took The Wheel In 'F9' - Hollywood Outbreak Vin Diesel as Dom in F9, co-written and directed by Justin Lin. Yes, Helen Mirren feels the need for speed. In real l...

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