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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Kitten rescued from vehicle’s wheel well after bystanders heard its meows - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

A kitten was rescued by bystanders and a Sonoma police officer after becoming trapped inside a parked car’s wheel well, according to a Facebook post by Jodie Rubin on Wednesday.

The kitten was inside the wheel well when passersby noticed meowing coming from the vehicle, according to the Sonoma Police Department. After calling the police, a group collected to watch as an officer and other bystanders worked to help the kitten out before the owner of the car started the engine.

The kitten was stuck for about an hour, Rubin said. After the rescue, the kitten went to a veterinary clinic and is now in good condition.

“It was the sweetest,” she added.

Outdoor cats frequently hide under cars if they are cold or even just need a break in the shade, according to Pet Health Network. The warm engine is especially alluring during winter months or cold days.

The cat could become seriously injured if it makes its way into the hood and the car starts. If you’re worried about curious cats catching a ride in your car’s parts, Pet Health Network recommends making loud noises or even honking before you start your engine to scare off any furry friends that you might not notice.

For cat owners, consider keeping your cats indoors on extremely hot or extremely cold days so they don’t need to find shelter underneath a car.

The Link Lonk

June 27, 2021 at 04:48AM

Kitten rescued from vehicle’s wheel well after bystanders heard its meows - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

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