Most of us have either been there ourselves or love someone who has. You’re a man. You’re young. You’re invincible! While this attitude may be a rite of passage for young adult males (YAMs), when it comes to responsible driving, the YAM invincibility complex— leading to driving at unsafe speeds, texting behind the wheel and not wearing a seat belt — can be costly, disruptive to life and even fatal.

In Delaware, YAMs are by far the biggest violators of Delaware’s seat belt laws, comprising 53% of the one in every 10 Delawareans who drives or rides in a vehicle unrestrained. Another sobering reality is that the number of vehicle crash fatalities among non-seat-belt wearers is on the rise in our state. The statistic as of Oct. 14 is that 30% of vehicle deaths occur when occupants are not restrained — that’s a 32% increase from 2019. And again, YAMs are our biggest offenders.

This is why, in addition to working to mobilize all Delawareans to wear their seat belts every time they get into a vehicle as a passenger or driver, the Delaware Office of Highway Safety (OHS) and state police are putting extra effort into motivating consistent seat belt use among Delaware’s young adult males. If you are a YAM, consider these facts and become a more responsible driver. You can lower your risk of injury or death if you’re in a crash, avoid incurring fines and legal fees, and spare your loved ones the pain of seeing you hurt or killed.

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If you don’t wear a seat belt, you are 80% more likely to be killed as the result of a crash.

If you don’t wear a seat belt, you are 30 times more likely to be ejected from the vehicle during a crash.

Wearing your seat belt significantly reduces your chances of being injured in a crash —lowering risk of moderate-to-critical injury for front-seat occupants by 50% in cars and 65% in small trucks.

Airbags do not provide the same level of protection seat belts do. And the force of an airbag can seriously injure or even kill you if you’re not buckled up.

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Wearing your seat belt is the law! A police officer can pull a car over and levy fines, if anyone in the vehicle is not wearing a seat belt. 

If all this is still not enough to quiet the YAM invincibility complex, consider just how painful a crash can be if you’re not wearing a seat belt. At just 20 mph, the impact will feel like a knockout punch from Mike Tyson, and at 30 mph, like being rammed by a charging 3.5-ton rhino. A crash at 40 mph has the equivalent impact of falling from a six-story building. Simply stated, not wearing a seat belt is not worth it. 

So be a responsible YAM — observe posted speed limits, never text while driving and always wear your seat belt — no excuses. And if you love a YAM — a son, spouse, nephew, neighbor or others — watch out for them behind the wheel by encouraging them to practice the same responsible behavior. Remember, it only takes three seconds to click it and save a life! 

I encourage everyone to gain additional, powerful knowledge on seat belt safety and learn about OHS’ mission to make Delaware the first state in safe roads by exploring

Kimberly Chesser is director of the Delaware Office of Highway Safety.

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