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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

County needs steady hands on the wheel | Letters To Editor - Idaho Mountain Express and Guide

Between the dual catastrophes of COVID-19 and business/employment devastation, the residents of Blaine County need the strongest business- and government-experienced hands to guide the coming years. Blaine County has faced minor periodic challenges many times in the past, but the last seven months have been uniquely major challenges. Those high hurdles added to the number and variety of land-use and environmental issues facing Blaine County today can only be managed by experienced leaders with balanced judgment, all working together for the entire community, not just for an individual neighborhood or a personal agenda. That is why your vote for Jacob Greenberg is so important.

As a former county commissioner, and a long-time public servant, I encourage my many friends, as well as my few nonfriends, to vote for Blaine County Commissioner Jacob Greenberg. You can do this on Election Day at your regular voting location, but it is more practical to call the County Courthouse and obtain an absentee ballot or vote early in person at the courthouse in Hailey. That is where and how to vote for Jacob Greenberg.

The job of a county commissioner has always been time-consuming and complex. New state and federal regulations as well as funding limitations have made the job even more difficult over the last decade; it requires a full-time commitment to successfully manage and guide the county. Jacob takes the time to research each issue, studies the benefits and detriments, listens to his constituents’ input and then uses his longtime business experience and his strong support for the natural environment to make the best decision for the entire community. As voters, that should be our standard for an elected official. That is also why you should vote for Jacob Greenberg.

Commissioners make a hundred serious decisions each month; no commissioner can satisfy every constituent on every issue. As voters, we should weigh the character and competence of our commissioners and the overall positive balance of their multiple decisions that benefit the largest number of residents. That is especially why you should vote for Jacob Greenberg!

Len Harlig

Scottsdale, Ariz.

The Link Lonk

September 30, 2020 at 05:00PM

County needs steady hands on the wheel | Letters To Editor - Idaho Mountain Express and Guide

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