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Monday, July 27, 2020

My teen just took the new behind-the-wheel test. Here’s what it was like. - The Mercury News

Q: I grew up in Anaheim and moved to the Bay Area in 1975. I have traveled up and down Interstate 5 for years and it remains just two lanes north and two lanes south. Are there plans to widen this highway?

Seriously, the amount of trucks on this highway has grown over the decades. They need two lanes for passing and cruising. Travelers  would be safer and not have to slow down to allow truckers to pass one another.

Dave Sholty

A: More than 20 years ago, I first addressed this complaint. Back then Caltrans said I-5 might be widened in 2020 — just 20-plus years away. My, how time flies.

But it will be decades before needed truck lanes are installed. Caltrans focuses on expansion projects in urban areas like on Interstate 80, Interstate 680, Interstate 880 and Highway 101 in Marin and along the Peninsula.

The state thinks passing lanes are a good idea but is not studying any project like you suggest on I-5 now or in the near future.

Q: My son just took his behind-the-wheel driving test, so let me share his experience.

These kids are getting fully tested. Shortened time does not mean less content. His score sheet showed he did the same number of left turns, right turns, stop signs, etc. as normal.

Kudos to the DMV for keeping the appointments for those kids who were canceled. I fully expected my son to be thrown to the wind and face what is, in even normal times, the impossibility of trying to schedule an appointment. I was quite relieved to find he was assigned an appointment.

Lucy A.

A:  I’m sure you were.

Q: I have a classic 1966 car with original black-and-yellow plates. I purchased it several years ago and have had it as a non-operational car since then. I am ready to sell it; however, I have had no luck getting it off non-operational status at the DMV. This has all happened when we went into shelter-in-place.

I have tried the new services on the DMV website and have not received any communication about what I need to do. I paid the registration and have not heard from the DMV since. I am growing frustrated and am looking for guidance to move forward.

Jason Fery

A: You can do this through the DMV’s assisted online services. This allows drivers to conduct select transactions that previously required an office visit. You will be connected to a DMV technician via email and guided through the process to complete the transaction.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at Look for Gary Richards at or contact him at or 408-920-5335.

The Link Lonk

July 27, 2020 at 07:45PM

My teen just took the new behind-the-wheel test. Here’s what it was like. - The Mercury News

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