Contestants are given a list of dress code rules. Among them: no solid red, black, or white tops (they don't read well on-camera), or tight-fitting tops (to avoid tummy bulges).
On taping day, contestants gather early at the studio to sign legal documents and get into makeup. The players get a briefing on the game, along with general tips on strategy. Former player Ryan Cannonie told the Tahlequah Daily Press, "It is really important to remember the category, I'll say that. It will really sink your battleship if you don't."
Then it's time to go on-set. Contestants practice spinning the wheel (it's heavier than it seems!) and guessing sample puzzles. They also stand on top of motorized platforms that can be adjusted for height. During taping, players are monitored closely: No cell phones are allowed, and bathroom breaks are chaperoned. Since several episodes are taped during the course of a day, names are drawn to see who will play each show. As for Pat and Vanna? They come in shortly before taping starts.
Former contestant Tami Tolley told the Palm Beach Post that playing "Wheel" in person was a lot harder than shouting out answers from home. She and a friend played on a special "Girlfriend Getaways" episode and had problems like not buzzing in soon enough. They also missed out on winning $10,000 because they called a letter that wasn't in the puzzle. Still, she says, "we can't put a price on the experience and the memories."
The Link LonkMay 28, 2021 at 08:35PM
The Truth About Being A Contestant On Wheel Of Fortune - The List
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